Earth descends (2023)
No more nostalgia (2021)
Platform 8 (2020)
Guanabara Canibal (2017)
Overdrive Crab (2015)
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Anchored at first in the relations between theater and literature, Aquela Cia. - born from the meeting of artists from the various theater schools in Rio - set up Project K. in 2005 (from the life and work of Franz Kafka); followed by Sub: Werther (interpretation of the novel Os Sofrimentos do Jovem Werther, by Goethe, from the contexts of the book Fragments of a Loving Speech, by Roland Barthes), Lobo nº1 [A Estepe] (based on the novel by Herman Hesse), “APortrait of the Artist as a Young Man” (around the literary universe of James Joyce).
In 2011, the work began to investigate the relationship between theater, music and spectacularity, with Outside, a musical noir (from the insert of the album by David Bowie), Cara de Cavalo (which told the tragic trajectory of the public enemy nº 1 in Rio de Janeiro in 1964, and their interlocutions with the Hélio Oiticica work) and Edypop (exploring the imaginary meet between the most pop of Greek heroes, Édipo, and the most tragic pop artist, John Lennon).
From the first moment, the company's singular language was defined. “We are driven by the idea of building a show through an open process, which is renewed at each rehearsal, where actors and musicians are also creators”, says Marco André. “The contributions of the entire team are present in the dramaturgy and in the final elaboration of the scene made by the direction”.
Music, always with a band on stage, on a track and original songs or new arrangements, “has always played throughout the narrative”, explains Pedro Kosovski. "It is a musical dramaturgy in the crossing between theater and music".