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GUTS - Peter  Kosovsky (RJ)


A father and a son linked by their own guts, entangled by the need to create and break the boundaries of private life. In addition to the genetic link, the family function or the simple confessional story, TRIPAS fables a territory where the intertwining of the threads of life of a father and a son is still possible: the theater itself.

Text and Direction: Pedro Kosovski
Performance: Ricardo Kosovski
Musician and Sound Operation: Pedro Nêgo
Setting and Costumes: Lídia Kosovski
Props: Alexandre Guimarães
Cenotechnician: Levi Morais
lumination: Paulo Denizot and Renato Machado
Musical Direction: Felipe Storino
Movement Direction: Toni Rodrigues
Vocal Trainer: Jaqueline Priston
Tap Dance Consultancy: Marina Elias
Artistic Interlocution: Renato Ferracini
Directing Assistance: Julia Stockler
Photos, Video and Record: Lourenço Monte-Mór
Graphic Design: Marina Kosovski and Tatiana Bond
Production Management: MS Arte & Cultura | Aline Mohamad and Gabriel Salabert

Realization: Ricardo and Pedro Kosovski

Work performed at Sesc Ipiranga 2019

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